Effective Remedies – Home Remedies for Better Health

12 Most Effective Home Remedies For Insomnia In Adults & Children That Work Naturally

home remedies for insomnia

Insomnia, a common sleep disorder, is considered as a nightmare with many people because they often wake up and struggle to sleep for several hours in the middle of every night. Insomnia is generally classified into 2 types: chronic and acute. While chronic insomnia lasts for few months or even longer, acute insomnia lasts for few days or weeks and is more common. This leads to poor performance, irritability, daytime fatigue, depression, tension headaches, and various other health problems. Therefore, in this writing, you will discover 12 most effective home remedies for insomnia in adults & children that work naturally to treat your terrible insomnia. If you want to stop insomnia and have sweet dreams, keep reading!

12 Most Effective Natural Home Remedies For Insomnia In Adults & Children

1. Nutmeg & Gooseberry Juice

Nutmeg is known as a natural sleep aid due to its sedative properties.

2. Cumin Seeds

“In addition to digestive aid, cumin that is a popular spice has been used to treat insomnia.”

Cumin oil also has a tranquilizing effect too.

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3. Warm Milk, Saffron & Cinnamon Powder

Milk helps to relax your body and mind. Moreover, the tryptophan found in the milk promotes your sleep [1].

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The moderate sedative properties found in the saffron can help you to reduce insomnia.

4. Bananas

Like the milk, bananas contain the tryptophan, an amino acid, which is very useful in reducing insomnia and raising serotonin levels. This regulates your sleep patterns. In addition, bananas contain some minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium that are muscle relaxants. Moreover, bananas contain a great level of hormones such as serotonin and melatonin, thus relaxing your brain and inducing a good sound sleep [2]. You should eat one banana roughly 30 minutes before going to bed in order to increase your magnesium level and relax your muscles.

5. Honey And Apple Cider Vinegar

Honey promotes your sleep by raising your insulin and releasing serotonin which is known as a brain chemical regulating sleep/wake cycles, and apple cider vinegar includes amino acid that rejects the fatigue. Moreover, honey is loaded with antioxidants that help to reduce the oxidative stress in the body [3]. You should know that the low level of the serotonin cause sleep disruption while its high level, on the other hand, is associated with wakefulness. So this remedy can help you to reach the optimum mid-level of the serotonin.

6. Tart Cherry Juice

If you want to have a deep sleep every night, try to drink a half or one cup of fresh tart cherry juice which contains full of tryptophan. It is an important amino acid converting to serotonin that converts to melatonin. As you know, the melatonin helps you maintain your sleep/wake cycle by leading to drowsiness and lower your body temperature by working effectively with your central nervous system in order to sync the biological clock. 

Besides, tart cherry juice has anti-inflammatory substances and anthocyanins (antioxidants). Scientists showed that patients with sleep disorders slept almost 1 hour and 30 minutes more when they consumed tart cherry juice [4].

According to a study in the Indian Journal of Palliative Care in 2016, melatonin significantly improves sleep patterns in people who suffered from cancer and insomnia. The quality of sleep was improved more from 7 to 14 days [5].

7. Valerian

Valerian is considered as a good medicinal herb with muscle relaxing and sedative properties. It helps increase the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid that has a calming effect and can adjust the action process of nerve cells. The valerian is often brewed up a cup of tea. However, if you feel the smell too strong, you should change it to capsule form. Now, I give you the way to consume the valerian.

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Do this:

8. Chamomile

Chamomile is not only the beautiful flower but also a reliable remedy for improving your sleep. It helps relax your muscles, and it also is a substance named apigenin which can bind to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors[6]. They affect your sleepiness and central nervous system.

Recipe 1:

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Recipe 2:

Another remedy is the lemon balm relaxing tea that can promote relaxation, calmness and lift the mood. As you know, the depression is related to your insomnia because you lack the serotonin. The lemon balm can prevent you from this and promote your physical and mental health, and your sleep. 

Gather ingredients:

How to make:

9. Lavender Aromatherapy

Lavender has mild sedative properties which help you sleep faster and more soundly. According to a study published in the Journal of the Complementary Therapies in Medicine in 2014, lavender oil capsules, when taken with a type of an antidepressant, are beneficial in improving the sleep patterns in those who suffer from depression. People also reported lower levels of anxiety, which seems to allow for better sleep [8].

10. Saint John’s Wort

Like the other home remedies for insomnia, many people use Saint John’s Wort frequently to reduce the depression. The hypericin presenting in it helps lift the level of serotonin in your brain.

“You have more serotonin, you have more melatonin. It means that you have better sleep.”

You can make it into useful tea as a sleep aid.

Gather ingredients:

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11. Catnip

As you may know, catnip – a member of the large mint family is considered as one of the home remedies for insomnia. The catnip has nepetalactone properties which help you be drowsy, relax, and ready for bed. You can enjoy a warm tea of catnip with a little of honey before you go to bed.

Gather ingredients:

How to make:

Firstly, you add catnip to a cup of boiling water. Then, you steep it for about 10 minutes and strain it. You can add a little of honey to taste well. You should drink this 30 minutes before going to bed.

Additional Tips:

To get rid of the terrible sleep disorder, you need to “say goodbye” your bad habits immediately.

Here are some small but effective tips:


If you would like to learn more about simple but effective home remedies for other common health issues, please go to our main Home Remedies page. I have given you 12 most effective home remedies for insomnia in adults & children that work naturally to treat your terrible insomnia; I hope that they have the best effects on your sleep at night. If you want to share your experiences or any other ideas, please leave your comments below. They are very valuable to us.


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