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11 Best Ways On How To Deal With Panic Attacks & Anxiety At School & At Work

how to deal with panic attacks at work


Have you ever felt sudden anxiety or fear that seems to take over your body physically? If yes, it may be the symptoms of panic attacks. You may not notice, but this issue can cause many other problems. Firstly, it leads to panic disorder if not treated. Also, it affects you in many aspects of life, including working, communicating, and even studying. If you have panic attacks, you cannot implement your tasks confidently, so it affects every level of your functioning. In today’s article, you will discover the best ways on how to deal with panic attacks and anxiety at school and at work. Let’s explore at what panic attacks and their symptoms are.

11 Best Ways On How To Deal With Panic Attacks & Anxiety At School & At Work

I. What Are Panic Attacks?

Panic attacks are intense waves of fear that happen without any warning. They are caused by specific situations such as public speaking, presentation, or even crossing a bridge. Moreover, they may be comorbid with depression, severe stress or panic disorder. Although the panic attack symptoms present differently in different people, there are some common ones such as nausea, chest pain, or choking feelings. And, remember that these symptoms happen whenever, even when you are shopping or relaxing. Here are some overwhelming signs of panic attacks that you should not ignore:

II. Must-Know Tips On How To Deal With Panic Attacks And Anxiety

A. How To Deal With Panic Attacks At School
1. Get Help From Your Teachers

You should tell your teachers that you may have panic attacks during the lessons and need to go out for a while. Or, have your parents call the teachers to explain the situation. Most of your teachers will agree and help you cope with this problem. Dr. Perpetua Neo has a statement that “most people aren't aware of panic attacks, so hand them a literature guide to it.”

2. Make Your Own Plan To Overcome

The teachers will facilitate you, but it is still necessary to have a concrete plan for yourself. A straightforward way is to make eye contact with your teacher during the class. Or you may choose to sit near the window to not interrupt your friends when you suffer from a panic attack. This way will also allow you to accomplish your plan by dealing with the attack without the help of others.

3. Confide In Your Teachers And Parents

If your parents put a lot of pressure on you, you may be stressed and this may increase your odds of having panic attacks. The high expectation from parents and teachers, friendship issues and trouble concentrating are the main factors exacerbating panic attacks in students. Therefore, talk to your parents and counselors that you need something more accessible and suitable.

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B. How To Deal With Panic Attacks At Work
1. Get Fresh Air

Dr. Perpetua Neo said “most people tend to stay where they are, or scold themselves, but this worsens the situation”. For example, some people tend to stay in the toilet or stare at the phone when they get panic attacks; however, this is not a good way, it even makes the situation more dangerous. A better approach is to stay near the window or get some fresh air. This way can help to make you more comfortable as it removes the pressure from your chest.

2. Control Your Thoughts

You can keep away from negative thoughts like “I'm going to die” or “People are laughing at me” by thinking about the more accurate and affirming ones. Remind yourself that you can overcome this problem because many others have done so, as long as you know what to do. When you overthink about difficulties, you cannot achieve your goal; therefore, learn to control your thoughts by being in control of your mind.

C. Common How-To Tips For Panic Attacks
1. Taking A Deep Breath

The most significant symptoms of a panic attack are chest pain and hyperventilation; therefore, practicing deep breathing is especially important. It also helps you calm down by resetting the fear center in your brain. Firstly, put your right hand on your chest and the other on your belly; then start to inhale through your nose while counting to four; hold your breath for several seconds; and finally, exhale through your mouth. Continue this process until you feel calmer and more comfortable.

2. Take A Hot Bath

Taking a hot bath will provide you with relief for the whole body and bring about sound sleep. For this method, you fill your bathtub with hot water and add some drops of essential oil such as chamomile oil, lavender oil or rose water. Then, add a few drops of jojoba oil or coconut oil and stir to mix them well. Soak your body in the water for the final step and stay here for about 20 minutes. You can do this process whenever you feel stressed and uncomfortable.

3. Massage Your Body

To reduce the intensity of a panic attack, massage your body regularly. This way helps to calm the nerves and relax your mind. You can use essential oils by diluting them in a carrier oil such as sesame oil during the massaging process to promote the relaxation. For this remedy, you warm up any essential oil of your choice and use it to massage your neck, back, shoulders, and feet. Try this remedy regularly to get rid of panic attacks as soon as possible.

4. Do Exercises Regularly

Doing exercises is good for not only panic attacks but also your overall health. It will help to boost cardiovascular health. Moreover, it helps to improve your mood and sleep quality. Jogging, dancing, and hiking are simple exercises which can assist you.

III. Effective Remedies For Panic Attacks & Anxiety

1. Chamomile Remedy For Panic Attacks

A randomized control research found that chamomile helps to relieve the symptoms of panic attacks and anxiety due to the rich content of nutrients. The magnesium and calcium in chamomile[1] contribute to strengthening your bones and reducing stress. Thanks to the calming effects, this herb has been used widely for centuries as an indispensable ingredient for flavors and perfumes.

Remedy 1: Chamomile Tea

Things you need

How to do

Read more: Revealed: 9 best natural home remedies for stress relief

Remedy 2: Chamomile Spray

Things you need

How to do

2. Green Tea Remedy For Panic Attacks

Green tea is a unique anti-aging ingredient, which is beneficial for your mind and body. Being a primary source of minerals and vitamins, green tea can help to alleviate discomfort from panic attacks and anxiety. Thanks to the rich content of L-theanine, this tea helps relax your body and mind. A 2009 study cited in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that drinking green tea is a wonderful way to decrease stress, boost your mood, and improve your mental health.

Things you need:

How to do

IV. Why Do Panic Attacks Come Back? And How To Prevent It?

Dr. Perpetua Neo said “Panic attacks often reoccur because we feel anxious about the situation that we first experienced it in. Over time, we start to feel more helpless about the situation, and eventually, they may worsen and our anxiety levels may increase. If background stress in life is high, we become more vulnerable to panic attacks.”

She also said “Anxiety is a common experience of modern living. Panic attacks are a common form of anxiety; often people who have panic attacks experience other forms of Generalised Anxiety Disorder. Importantly, we need to learn how to master the emotions and triggers that lead to panic attacks. We also need to get to the root of it so our brain gets closure.”

If human feel anxious whenever they face problems and challenges, the panic attack may return very quickly. The situation even becomes more and more severe because of the fear and nerves. Panic attacks can also come back as the effect of changes in life such as examination fall, divorces, unemployment, and so on. These problems are unexpected, and we seem to not able to keep them under control.

As anxiety is a usual feeling, we need to find the solutions to overcome it. The minor things such as an interview or a presentation should not make you feel anxious. Therefore, learning how to control the emotion is beneficial for dealing with panic attacks. In a performance, for example, you need to know what your purposes are, what to say and how to answer the audience's questions. Sometimes, to stop the panic attack, you can try some activities or confide in your family members or close friends. Those people can help you to analyze the situation and give you the best advice.

Furthermore, it would help if you reminded yourself of the techniques and strategies that did help to deal with panic attacks. When you get a panic attack, you may have many negative thoughts. In this case, stop thinking about this circumstance and do anything else that helps you feel better.

V. Frequently Asked Questions About Panic Attacks

1. How Common Are Panic Attacks?

Only 2-3 percent of American has trouble with this disease. And, it often begins at the age of 15 to 25. This problem can happen earlier or later in one's life, depending on background factors.

2. Is This Issue A Fatal Disease?

Panic attacks are not fatal but potentially disabling. People who suffer from panic attacks will feel debilitated in their daily functioning. As they worsen, it feels difficult driving a car, leaving their homes, and even taking care of themselves.

3. Can Panic Attacks Be Cured?

Yes. Dr. Perpetua Neo said “seek support from a professional trained in helping you to engineer a strategy to treat the root of the panic attacks, and to regain confidence in the situations that trigger panic attacks. Sometimes, psychiatric medication is useful in tandem.”

Above is all the useful information about 11 must-know ways on how to deal with panic attacks and anxiety at school and at work. Do not apply one remedy but combine some of them at the same time to gain the desired result. Also, improve your diet to provide your body and brain with enough nutrients to grow well. If you have any other ways, please share your experience by commenting on this article. To know more useful tips for other health problems, you can visit our How To page. All content provided is for informational and educational purposes. We recommend you consult a healthcare professional to determine which method is appropriate for you.


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