Effective Remedies – Home Remedies for Better Health

Revealed: Top 7 Natural Home Remedies For Hyperthyroidism Disease

home remedies for hyperthyroidism

Updated: 07/09/2019

Hyperthyroidism, or an over active thyroid gland, affects an estimated 1 in a hundred people but symptoms are often mild[1] [2] If you develop this condition, you will not only have to suffer from the physical effects on your body but may also experience the emotional stress of having a long-term illness. Today’s article describes top 7 natural home remedies for hyperthyroidism that are traditionally used to help improve the symptom and to support medical care. Hopefully, you will find for yourself the most appropriate remedy to deal with hyperthyroidism effectively. These remedies are effective for mild cases, but it is important to consult a health specialist or doctor for safe advice. There is no science-based evidence for the following homemade recipes. The recipes we've focused on are traditional home remedies, so always consult your doctor and check out your health condition regularly to know if a remedy is working for you.

7 Most Effective Natural Home Remedies For Hyperthyroidism

Causes Of Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is most commonly caused when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid gland in a condition known as Grave’s disease[3]. This results in the thyroid gland producing excess thyroid hormones. Hyperthyroidism may also be caused by inflammation of the thyroid (thyroiditis), toxic adenoma, multinodular goiter, too much iodine consumption, and too much synthetic thyroid hormone.

Symptoms Of Hyperthyroidism

Some people with hyperthyroidism develop a swelling in the neck known as a goiter. In some cases, the eyes are also affected and may seem to enlarge or protrude. Other symptoms can include weakness in the thigh muscles and upper arm, nervousness, fast heartbeat, increased sweating, trembling hands, shortness of breath, insomnia and other sleeping problems, irritability, depression, loose bowel movements or loss of weight. Woman may experience an unpredictable menstrual periods including light menstrual flow. As a result of hyperthyroidism, an overactive metabolism might also lead to tiredness and fatigue.

Home Remedies For Hyperthyroidism

1. Bugleweed

Bugleweed, also called Lycopus virginicus, is especially used for symptoms such as weight loss, palpitation, fatigue, short breath and shaking. Bugleweed is believed to help reduce the over production of hormones in the thyroid gland. Lithospermic acid in this herb can mitigate the levels of hormones including thyroid hormone thyroxine (T3). According to some researchers, bugleweed helps to decrease the levels of TSH and T4 and weaken the effect of the thyroid hormone synthesis[4] [5]. It may lower excess thyroid hormones by limiting the production of thyroid stimulating antibodies in Graves’ disease. On the other hand, bugleweed may also slow down and block the conversion of T4 to the more powerful hormone, T3.

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Method 1:

Method 2:

Note: Pregnant or nursing woman should avoid using this remedy. If you are taking prescription medicines to treat hyperthyroidism, then do not use this herb.

2. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm[6] also called Melissa officinalis, is an effective treatment for various health problems such as nervousness, headache, hypertension, and hyperthyroidism. Using lemon balm can help to improve hyperthyroidism by blocking thyroid hormone receptors, and preventing thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) from binding to the thyroid tissues[7]. Besides, it curbs the binding of the autoantibodies to Graves’ disease[8].

Additionally, lemon balm is also an ideal remedy for vertigo attacks.

3. Motherwort Herb

Motherwort, known as Leonurus cardiaca, can work well to improve hyperthyroidism[9]. It works as a natural beta-blocker and acts as an anti-thyroid substance which helps to deal with palpitations and a high heart rate or tachycardia. It doesn’t have a direct effect on hormones or thyroid gland but it can improve symptoms related to hyperactive thyroid such as heart racing, anxiety, depressed appetite, insomnia, etc.

Method 1:

Method 2:

Note: If you are currently using heart medication, see a doctor for advice before taking the above remedy.

Plus, motherwort is also effective at low blood pressure symptoms treatment.

4. Vitamins And Minerals

Minerals and vitamins can help in battling hyperthyroidism. The moderate consumption of the below nutrients are recommended[10] [11].

One of the main effects of having an overactive thyroid gland is increased production of free radicals. Vitamin C is packed with excellent anti-oxidant properties, which will help to neutralize free radicals and protect the thyroid gland[12]. Diet should always come first, and you can obtain some vitamin C from fresh vegetables and fruit. The appropriate dose is about 1000 mg of vitamin C supplements each day in the form of supplements, plus eating foods that are naturally rich in vitamin C.

Vitamin B is needed for many metabolic functions in the body[13]. Lack of vitamin B12 is common in people with hyperthyroidism and obtaining vitamin B12 supplements and eating foods rich in B12 will help to correct this deficiency.

Vitamin B12 is found in mackerel fish, shellfish, beef, fortified cereal, soy products, red meat, crab and eggs. You can also take vitamin B12 as a supplement. If you have symptoms fatigue, ask your doctor to check whether you are deficient in vitamin B12 as this can lead to a form of anemia.

Magnesium has a positive impact on the metabolism of iodine and the thyroid gland[14] [15]. Therefore, to support hyperthyroidism, it is a good idea to consume foods rich in magnesium such as nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains to help prevent deficiency.

Having hyperthyroidism is associated with low levels of vitamin D and calcium, which will have a negative effect on your bone health and increase the risk of bone thinning. Keeping healthy and strong bones is important to avoid osteoporosis and fractures which can result from poor dietary intakes of vitamin D and poor calcium absorption[16]. Increasing your consumption of foods rich in vitamin D and calcium is important if you have hyperthyroidism[17]. Include these nutrients in your daily diet and ask your doctor if you should take supplements.

5. Oats

Oats[18] are a nutritional food that may help to improve hyperthyroidism symptoms of exhaustion and muscle weakness. Oats are also rich in fiber, which can help to minimize constipation or diarrhea related to hypothyroidism[19].

To help combat hyperthyroidism, take 1-2 servings of the oats in your daily diet.

If you want to get more useful tips of many other normal health problems, come and visit our main Home Remedies homepage.

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