Effective Remedies – Home Remedies for Better Health

27 Proven Home Remedies For Warts On Hands & Feet – 100% Natural & Effective!

home remedies for warts

Updated: 08/08/2019

Diseases relating to skin deterioration always cause irritation and embarrassment to people who have to suffer from them. One of the typical skin problems that most of the adults easily get is warts. Warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts can be found in hands, soles of the feet, or on the surface of the skin where it has to be exposed to intensive impacts[1]. Factors that can raise the risk of developing warts include working with meat, use of public showers, a weak immune system, and eczema. People can be met with common warts (Verruca vulgaris), mole warts, filiform warts, plantar warts (Verruca plantaris, verruca), or genital warts (Condyloma acuminatum, venereal wart), which are popular kinds of warts causing so much trouble to people. It is undeniable that warts make people feel very uncomfortable, unconfident, and raging. If you are one of the patients sustaining this bothersome problem, follow the natural home solutions revealed in this article. We will show you the best natural home remedies for warts on hands, feet, and other body parts without any side effects.

However, before applying any of these home remedies, remember to make sure that what your skin is suffering from is warts. Because most warts will disappear on their own after a period of time, you need to wait for whether the disease mitigates or not; otherwise, if you are sure that they are warts, then you can apply these methods without any hesitation.

Top 27 Natural Home Remedies For Warts On Hands, Feet & Other Parts

1. Extract Lemon Juice

Lemon is one of the most excellent natural home remedies for warts removal. Lemon juice is enriched with citric acid that may help to destroy the virus causing warts[2]. It will make your warts disappear after a few weeks of using it.

2. Garlic

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Garlic is loaded with antibacterial and antifungal properties that may help combat warts[3] [4]. During the time of warts, you can apply crushed garlic to warts or eat garlic to prevent viruses causing warts.

Follow these tips for high effectiveness:

3. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a kind of natural herb with so many advantages; therefore, when applying it, you don’t have to worry about its undesirable chemical effects. Witch hazel can help eliminate the growth of warts by cutting off the blood supply to the tissues. Besides, it may be useful for combating HPV type 16, which causes genital warts[5].

4. Aloe Vera

Because of its pain-free nature, aloe vera is used to treat not only warts but also many other kinds of diseases such as diabetes or psoriasis[6] [7]. Some recent studies indicate that aloe vera gel can combat the viruses together with other microbes. Aloe vera extract may help to destroy the HSV-1 type virus[8].

5. Olive Leaf Extract & Tea

Olive leaf extract is one of the most popular home remedies for warts on hands, feet, and others. According to a research, the olive leaf contains a powerful antiviral component, which may inhibit viral action in the infected body[9]. This component is believed to interfere with the production of amino acid for viruses to stop viral infection. As olive leaf can directly get through the infected cells to stop the viral spread, it can remove warts efficiently[10]. You can boost your immune system by taking 250mg to 500mg of olive leaf extract three times a day. You can also make olive leaf tea and drink it to benefit entirely from it.

Note: Pregnant and nursing mothers should avoid taking olive leaf extract. Plus, consult your doctor before using it since it can create an undesirable reaction to medications.

6. Banana Peels

Everyone has to admit that using banana peels is one of the best home remedies for warts removal. Banana peels contain a proteolytic enzyme, which can soften and dissolve warts away. Moreover, it contains antimicrobial properties[11]. It is also beneficial for moisturizing and hydrating the skin around warts.

7. Honey

Honey, especially Manuka honey, is one of the potential home remedies for warts. This is because Manuka honey contains antibacterial properties and antiviral enzymes, which have a positive impact on your skin. Also, it creates a kind of “occlusion therapy”, which is vital to deprive the wart of oxygen and kill it. It produces a resin-like substance known as propolis, which is made of plant substances, pollen, beeswax, and bee enzymes. Propolis comes with antimicrobial properties and stimulates skin cell production. It is used to treat wounds, acne, as well as the herpes simplex virus[12].

8. Milkweed Sap

There are many types of weeds found to take effect on warts, including milkweed, dandelion, chicory, or wild lettuce. Among them, milkweed is an excellent solution for warts removal because it is very safe and convenient[13]. It mitigates the damage on skin caused by warts. Because it contains a proteolytic enzyme, the sap is applied widely among patients of warts.

Note: Weed can be poison due to its cardiac glycoside, so you need to keep it out of the reach of kids and do not put it on your eyes.

9. Hot Water

Hot water is beneficial for getting rid of warts[14]. By using hot water several times, you not only have soft, strong skin but also have your warts weakened relatively.

For this treatment, soak your warts in hot water. You also can add some white vinegar or Epsom salt to get a better result. Just be careful and smooth in order not to hurt your warts. Before applying this method, you need to slough warts a little bit and make sure that your water is not too hot before applying it to your warts.

10. Pineapple Juice

Pineapple consists of a high level of acidity and a beneficial enzyme called bromelain, which is medically used to treat skin diseases such as acne, eczema or psoriasis[15] [16]. Bromelain is a mixture of several enzymes, which may dissolve the HPV virus, causing warts. This fruit also helps to prevent the scars on the skin after warts are gone.

11. Basil

Because basil leaves contain antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties[17]. Therefore, using basil will help to speed up the process of eliminating warts. Moreover, it can help to fasten the process of recovering your damaged skin.

12. Potatoes 

The potato was used a long time ago to treat warts, especially genital warts. It contains many nutrients, such as vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants that can be used to remove warts naturally. The enzymes in it also help to remove warts effectively. The acids found in the potato juice may help dehydrate and destroy the virus causing  warts[18].

13. Thuja Herb

There are two types of Thuja herbs; one of them is Thuja occidentalis, which is commonly used as one of the traditional home remedies for warts removal[19]. It is also used by the Homeopathic medicine stream.  It modulates the immune system to the extent that these warts shed thanks to the antiviral properties[20]. Since the 19th century, Thuja has been used to make ointment and tincture to apply for the treatment of ringworm, thrush, and warts.

14. Grapefruit Seed Extract 

Grapefruit is widely known as a healthy immune booster due to its beneficial contents. Grapefruit seed extract consists of potent antioxidants granted by its vitamin E and vitamin C. It also contains strong antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, which are very helpful in treating warts[21].

15. Dandelion

Dandelion is loaded with potent phytochemicals, which can help remove warts. The milky sap found on dandelion leaves, stem or roots can be applied externally to warts to weaken operation of a virus and harmful bacteria. In the milky sap, it contains so many properties, which can help to reduce the effect of warts; therefore, it is also used by so many people with warts. According to a 2011 animal study, the dandelion extract may help to support collagen production, soothe irritation, and reduce skin inflammation[22]. Besides, a 2012 study noted that dandelions contain antimicrobial properties[23]. These properties may be effective at fighting warts.

16. Fig Leaf

Fig leaf can be used as a simple treatment for your warts without causing pain or burning. People find out the ficin enzyme in the milky sap of a fig leaf, which may help irritate and delete your warts completely[24].

17. Willow Tree Bark

The salicylic acid is among commonly used home remedies for warts removal due to its safety and effectiveness[25]. You can find out salicylic acid on the willow tree bark which can deal with many common diseases such as acne or muscular pain because it contains anti-inflammatory properties[26]. Willow tree bark, therefore, is also believed to remove warts thoroughly.

Another way to use salicylic acid is:

18. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a fabulous source that helps to defeat warts approach excellently because it contains antiseptic, antiviral, and antifungal components. It is easily absorbed by your skin and then kills the virus causing warts[27]. It can eradicate the most stubborn wart on your body without affecting the surrounding skin area. However, due to its intensive effectiveness, you have to dilute this oil with a carrier oil to avoid undesirable impact on your skin.

19. Coconut Oil

Coconut is considered one of the most used home remedies for warts removal. You can use coconut oil to alleviate warts because it contains so many properties, which are antibacterial and antiviral. Besides, it also helps to strengthen and moisturize your skin. It further acts as a natural emollient and soothes your skin[28].

20. Castor Oil 

Castor oil can irritate warts, especially small and flat warts on the face or hands. It consists of many compounds, including ricinoleic acid, which can kill off bacteria and virus causing warts. Apart from this, it is loaded with anti-inflammatory effects and is enriched with antioxidants[29].

21. Pure Baking Soda & White Vinegar

Baking soda is another good choice to remove warts due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties. It’s a caustic agent that can destroy warts[30]. Moreover, it is a widely used antiseptic[31]. Repeat this method for some time, and you will see the satisfactory result. You can also use baking soda to make other kinds of solutions to prevent warts attack.

22. Apple Cider Vinegar

Once you place a cotton swab soaked with apple cider vinegar on your affected area, warts’ virus will immediately be controlled. ACV is also used to heal the skin damage because it contains acetic acid, which is corrosive in nature[32] [33]. If it keeps contact with your skin for longer, it will help to kill off the tissue there.

Note: When you first use ACV to treat your warts, it may cause you burning or stinging feeling.

23. Duct Tape

Duct tape has a light side and a dark side which holds the universe together. Its function is to get the attention of your immune system faster and send it to prevent warts attack. Moreover, using duct tape cuts off the supply of oxygen in the area, and thus helps to shed the wart[34]. The way of using duct tape is also so simple.

24. Vitamin C

You can use essential minerals such as vitamin C to apply to your warts because of its acidic nature and its direct impact on the virus causing warts[35]. When using vitamin C, there is no reason for you to worry about the safety of the treatment.

Follow the instruction below:

25. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the potent home remedies for warts removal. Vitamin E is often used for treating skin issues such as acne or skin malnutrition. Loaded on a vitamin E capsule is a kind of oil which is very helpful in forestalling virus that weakens skin, including warts virus.

Vitamin E oil is also rich in antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory effects. It speeds up the healing process of these warts[36].

26. Maintain A Healthy Diet

Apart from following many remedies, you should also pay attention to your diet because it plays a vital role in strengthening your skin and restoring your skin damages. If home remedies for warts removal are launched to create external impacts on your warts, a healthy diet will help create an internal effect on your skin recovery.

To have good health to protect your skin from warts, you should follow the instruction of nutritionists. In general, you should consume foods with a rich source of vitamins and minerals.

If you eat a balanced diet, you will get all the vitamins and minerals you need, and you don’t need any supplement and overdosing can be more harmful. Besides, you should eat foods that help to enhance the operation of the immune system; thereby, it can kill off the virus causing warts. You should eat food with a high degree of beta-carotene, vitamin D, polyphenols, or garlic to promote the immune system. By obeying a strict healthy diet, you can contribute to minimizing the negative effect of warts on your body[37].

Hopefully, these home remedies for warts removal would partially help you to mitigate the effect of warts on your skin. Remember that these methods are referential if your warts are of typical types and easily removed. For more stubborn and complex types of warts, you should call your doctor to get more useful advice and prescriptions.

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